Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why I choose to learn Japanese???

I'm not a Linguistic major student in the first place.

But I love learning languages.

You can perceive it as a hobby or as something you want to blend into your life.

I read posts of other classes, and found out a lot of people want to learn Japanese because of Japanese cartoon. 

Well, I'm not a fan of Japanese cartoon, or should I say, not really a fan of cartoon.

And I used to watch Japanese TV drama/shows less than Korean TV dramas/shows. (I guess that's why our lab tutor says I pronounce Japanese with a Korean accent..., but I don't speak Korean.)

Ok, the real reason I chose Japanese over other languages such as Korean is because of my BOSS!

I'm currently interning in a private equity firm in Shanghai where we have competitors/partners from Japan. My boss encouraged me to learn Japanese, I guess, because he thought one day it will be of help while we need to dig up what's really happening on the side of our counterparties.

I'm quite enjoying the class experience up till now. And I'm switching from watching Korean TV drama to Japanese TV drama now!!! <半沢直樹> is my favorite! Bravo to the leading actor and actress.



  1. こんにちわ, フローレンスさん!


    That is about as far as my Japanese gets me! I think its great that you love learning languages, what languages do you currently speak? I'm glad that you watch Japanese dramas now because thats a really good way to learn the language. Where do you watch your dramas online. I feel like I should start doing that!

    How is your internship going? Are you still interning there? I would love to learn more about this because I want to do something similar!

    (Emily) Man

    1. 私は英語とちゅうごくごとフウランスゴをはなします。あのかいしゃは上海にある。わたしはきょねんのなつやすみとことしのなつやすみにはたぁきました。

    2. そうですか。很厉害吗!わたしもちゅうごくごをはなします!

    3. エミリさん、私はらいねんのいちがつにシャンハイへかいります。私はうちでやすみます。

  2. フローレンスさん こんにちは。
    It is very interesting that you have a slight Korean accent in Japanese from watching Korean dramas and the fact that you are a math major surprised me a lot! I am sure you will pick up Japanese quickly since you speak many languages. I hope you will enjoy your Japanese class and lab! がんばってください。

    1. あおきさん、ありがとう!
      By the way, お名前は漢字で何ですか。あおは青ですね?

  3. フローレンスさん、

    1. 青木先生、こんにちわ。私は君のクラス大好きですよ。Please correct me if I'm wrong. 君の名は漢字で'幸子'ですか。I'm so sorry for being addicted to people's names.
